Far Away
By Mike Smolarek
Far away
is where I want to be
when I cannot be alone.
Not here
with city noises,
trains and cars
and people walking their dogs
passing noisily by.
There I can be
sitting in silence
thinking of you
and sleeping alone.
Far away
is where I wish I was
when you are angry.
Not here
where the words rip in
like the daggers that killed Caesar.
There, no one screams
or hollers or runs away
and I can be alone.
Far away
is where I am right now
because of what I did.
Not here
with you like I should
before I threw it all away.
Here I can think
of why I did it,
come up with nothing,
and be alone.
Far away
is where I am banished
now that I am not with you.
Not there
curled up on the couch
with a movie,
a giant bowl of popcorn
and a warm blanket.
Here I wonder
if there is someone else there
taking my place
while I am here.